Recommended Resources

Note: These resources are provided for informational and educational purposes only and are not intended as a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Greater Good Science Center
Choose from a menu of evidence-based positive psychology practices to try on the topics of awe, compassion, emphathy, forgiveness, gratitude, happiness, kindness, mindfulness, purpose, resilience to stress, and self-compassion.

Cci Logo
Fillable PDF self-help workbooks and handouts on topics such as anxiety, assertiveness, depression, panic, perfectionism, procrastination, self-compassion, self-esteem, sleep, social anxiety, tolerating distress, worry and rumination, and MORE
Roadmap To Resilience
101 Resilience Skills from one of the founders of cognitive-behavioral therapy, Donald Meichenbaum, Ph.D.
Self Compassion
Learn about and practice Self-Compassion. Includes a variety of audio exercises & written exercises.
Self Help Toons
Brief, engaging videos on a variety of mental health topics, such as depression, anxiety, sleep, & relationships. Videos concisely explain and illustrate a variety of evidence-based skills.
The Gottman Institute
Learn how to have healthier relationships, using the Sound Relationship House and MORE...
Thriving In Action Online
Thriving in Action Student Guide is an evidence-based guide specifically for college students. Developed by psychologists at Toronto Metropolitan University, it blends of Positive Psychology and progressive learning strategies to help students:  Harness willpower and restore motivation • Mindfully manage time • Study efficiently • Bounce forward after setbacks • Learn with confidence and uncover your strengths • Transform your relationship to school • Experience sustainable success (however you define it) • And so much more!


Six Acceptance and Commitment Training Conversations by Julian McNally, adapted by Michael Swadling from RMIT University
A free e-book/audio book to help college students learn evidence-informed psychological flexibility skills.