Invisible Illness Support Group


Location: Virtual

Attending a university already has its challenges, and adjusting to being away from home can be difficult. Students who have debilitating or chronic pain, constant fatigue, moderate to severe food allergies, intolerances or sensitivities, constant discomfort and/or weakness, or are recovering from an injury many times show no signs to the outside observer, however, the internal battle faced every moment of the day can be overwhelming and sometimes more challenging when you're not exactly sure what's happening. Knowing you're not alone can validate that you are seen in this invisible battle.

Group Leader: Caprice Mottley, MSW

If you are interested in joining this group and are new to the University Counseling Center (UCC), call 574-631-7336  for more information about getting connected to services. If you are a current client at the UCC, please talk to your counselor about being referred to this group. Learn more about Group Counseling here.